Live Online Classes

Experience world-class yoga from the comfort of your own home!

Looking for in-person classes? Click Here!



We use Zoom to host our online classes. You do not need a Zoom account to take a class.

When you sign up for a class, you receive a link that connects you to a date-and-time-specific conference page. We will tell you what props are required for the class in an email the day of, and you will be expected to log in 5-10 minutes prior to class time for roll to be taken.

Students are encouraged to find a space for practice that minimizes distraction, has acceptable lighting, and gives room for reasonable movement.



  • Any standard yoga mat will do. Here is a simple yoga mat that would work for practice. If you do not have one, practicing on a towel or carpet is just fine.

  • The cheapest and most Kaiut-friendly bolsters online can be found here. Just be sure to remove 1/3 of the cotton filling to get your bolster practice-ready. Occasionally, two bolsters are required for practice, but we can adapt the sequences if you only have one. You can substitute a rolled blanket, pillow, or couch cushion for a bolster.

  • Any standard yoga block will do. In Kaiut, we work with heavy, wooden blocks that are different dimensions than any on the market currently. However, here is a decently close option. Occasionally, two blocks are required for practice. We can adapt the sequences for you if you only have one. You can substitute a stack of books for a block.

  • Any standard yoga strap will do. Here is an inexpensive option. You can substitute a belt, tie, or dog leash for a strap.

  • Some sequences require legs up the wall, and sometimes we do standing postures with our hands on the wall. Using a door or window is fine as well.

  • Access to a chair will be valuable for some practitioners, particularly those with sensitivity to sitting and kneeling on the floor. Here you can find some nice yoga chairs. A couch or the edge of a bed will work also, but please ensure that your seat is not on wheels.

  • You will need to set up your computer, tablet, or phone so that you can be seen clearly and you can look at the screen as needed. Place the device on an elevated surface, have it farther away from you to capture more in the frame, and try to angle the device so the camera points down. To improve the quality of your class, please stay close to your internet router, turn off other devices, and close any other apps and/or browsers that your device is running.



CLASS timeS ARE IN EASTern TIME (US + Canada) (GMT -4:00)


Click below for a list of class descriptions.

About Tuck3r


Props for the week of 3/10:

  • Monday - Bolster + Strap

  • Tuesday - Wall + Bolster

  • Wednesday - Wall + Chair + Bolster + Strap

  • Thursday - Bolster

  • Friday - Bolster + Strap



  • $20.00

    Join us for a class! Is this your first class with us? Use the coupon code WELCOME50 for half-off your class!

  • $29


    Enjoy 4 classes over the course of 2 weeks. This is a great way to test the waters and see what we're all about.

  • $99 (lasts 6 months)

  • $139/mo (renews monthly, cancel anytime)

    Enjoy unlimited online and in-person drop-in classes.

    -FREE Kaiut Video Library
    -FREE access to The Archives
    -$40 off Private Yoga Sessions
    -Buddy Pass to bring friends for free
    -15% off on workshops
    -10% off on Tucker Yoga Swag

    Take as many classes as you want and save money! This autodraft monthly membership gives you more practice for less pay.

  • $1559.00 (lasts 12 months)

    Ready to commit? Get a FULL YEAR of unlimited Tucker Yoga (price equal to $133.25/mo but a one-time payment).

    This offering comes with all the same benefits as the Monthly Membership, but it saves you $109 for the year!

    -FREE Kaiut Video Library
    -FREE access to The Archives
    -$40 off Private Yoga Sessions
    -Buddy Pass to bring friends for free
    -15% off on workshops
    -10% off on Tucker Yoga Swag

(Click the link below to purchase class packs + memberships before you select your classes.)


We record our classes so that you can practice on your own time.

If you register for class and do not show up or there is some disruption to your practice when you do show up (ex. internet drops out or you have a surprise interruption), we send you a recording of that practice with 48 hour access.

Note: If you cancel before class time starts, you will receive a credit to your account and no recording.

Missed the sign up but still want the recording? Just email


We believe that these practices should be available to all regardless of financial status. Please reach out to us if you cannot work with our price structure so that we can arrange something that works for you.



Register Here


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I have watched/participated in several other online yoga classes both Kaiut and otherwise and I have to say that the way you are doing live really appeals to me so much more than the ones that have a student or several students as demo or just teacher as demo. The level of attention and care you are able to offer us is so worthwhile and effective.
— B. Molaro
I have Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia, so I have dealt with lots of pain in my hands and feet (especially in the joints) for years. This form of yoga is perfect for these sorts of issues. We had to do this session online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and I can’t believe how amazingly successful it was! There were 60 of us attending, and Tucker was able to demo every move, and then scroll through each student to see if they could modify he was able to do that so seamlessly without interrupting the flow was amazing. I’ve taken a lot of online trainings and classes during this pandemic, and this was by far the most professional one I’ve ever taken. Tucker, you need to be training yoga teachers at large on how to best offer online sessions to rock!
— Melanie
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