Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
At Tuck3r Yoga we believe that all people belong in this community and that everybody has the right to work on themselves, seek wellbeing, and improve their lives.
It is a part of who we are and therefore we are committed to promoting diversity, inclusion and Equity to ensure everybody and every voice is heard.
We see people as humans, beyond their race, gender identity, size, age, sexuality, class, ability, religion, genetic information, national origin, and other identities. We see their individuality and humanity and as a part of the Yoga industry it is our ethical commitment to deepen the recognition of the many instances of inequity that live in Yoga spaces.
We are committed to aligning our business culture and business practices to be a beacon of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for all people. We commit to continue evolving as a diverse, inclusive, and equitable business.
For us, is important that our team and clients, whatever their class, size, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feels valued, respected and a part of the community.
As a business, it is a fundamental part of our beliefs to:
Incorporate diversity, inclusion, and equity principles.
Recognize and dismantle any inequities within our policies, programs and services, and continually work to update, evolve and change in order to stay true to our beliefs.
Commit to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity in our community.
We believe that black lives matter, love is love, women’s rights are human rights, no person is illegal, and all bodies are beautiful. At Tuck3r Yoga we believe that our practices are for every body and everybody is welcome to join this family.
We acknowledge our privilege and reject any unjust conduct towards any human being based on their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, appearance, etc. It is a part of our mission to light up a spark of awareness to the members of this community and to invite you all to be part of this cultural shift. As a part of our Equity work we are now including more practices that empower just, inclusive, equitable experiences for all.
Small Actions Can Make a Big Difference!
Discover our Monthly Cause!
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Monthly Donations
As of now we are donating to one Equity related cause every month. We did some research to find local causes that resonated with us and we want to share that list with you all in case you consider making your own donations.
Their Mission
At Youth OUTright, they engage and support LGBTQIA+ youth ages 11-20 to be confident, resilient and compassionate community members.
Their Vision
They envision a world where youth of all gender and sexual identities are empowered to reach their full potential. They also provide information, support and resources in a safer, inclusive and affirming environment.
Equity Resources
If you want to learn more about anti-racism here’s a guide that will help you understand what this work is about http://antiracismforbeginners.com/
Let’s demystify something…what is Critical Race Theory exactly? Check out this comprehensive and helpful resource https://www.perlego.com/knowledge/study-guides/what-is-critical-race-theory/
Special Discount
Finally, we would like to offer equity pricing to Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and LGBTQIA clients. To know more about this special pricing, please contact us at info@tuckeryoga.com