Tuck3r Yoga
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Tuck3r shares the basic history, theory, and philosophy of this fascinating practice.

Experience the Kaiut Method for yourself.

Props: Wall + Bolster + Strap

(Click here for prop substitutes)


Vaccine Arm Relief

More and more people across the globe are receiving vaccinations.

Many are experiencing stiffness, soreness, swelling, and redness at the site of injection.

Utilize this Kaiut-inspired yoga sequence to mobilize the arms, aid in the redistribution of lymph, and ease discomfort.

Props: Wall + Bolster (pillow) + Strap (belt)


Start your practice today!


Have a question?

  • Description text goes hereThese videos are not intended as substitutes for medical care.

    Consult your physician before engaging in yoga practice to make sure you know what is and is not safe for you. If you are new to Kaiut or yoga in general, be more conservative, take breaks, and feel free to only do what feels beneficial to you.

    Whenever possible, it is best to work with a teacher rather than a recording in order to tailor the practice to your needs.

    Tucker Yoga, LLC assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these sequences.

    For more information, please refer to our Terms of Service.
