After studying numerous styles of yoga over the last 15 years, always with a leaning towards sustainable practices, Tucker now focuses on teaching the Kaiut Yoga Method. This method is focused on longevity and long-term mobility rather than quick fixes, and along with Tucker's other studies serves as the inspiration for the content of this training.
Designed as a practice intensive, this training will include 4+ hours of practice per day along with lectures and discussions that explore theory and technique.
This module presents twenty sequences for students to take away for home practice. It is complementary to other Longevity Yoga modules, but previous modules are not required in order to attend this one.
What we will cover:
Principles of the Kaiut method
Unlearning Yoga to learn Longevity Yoga
Reframe the art of teaching, examine your approach to guiding students, and explore ways to improve
Study philosophy of Yoga and how it relates to this method
YA Continuing education CREDITs:
32 Contact HOURs
4 non-contact hours