How do I set up my camera so that you can see me?

You will need to set up your computer, tablet, or phone so that you can be seen clearly and you can look to the screen as needed. Place the device on an elevated surface, have the it farther away from you to capture more in the frame, and try to angle the device so the camera points down.

If you are using a tablet or smartphone:

  • Try placing something in front of the device that you can lean it against, tipping it forward so the camera points down

  • Anchor it with something behind it so it doesn't just fall flat on its face

  • Alternatively, you could purchase an adjustable mount like this one for tablets.

Play with it and see what works, but know that it will be ok if it's not perfect.

Helpful Tips


  • For our live Yoga classes, if possible, place the camera about 6 feet away and at least 3 feet high off the floor, in a way that shows all of your mat and body as you move through the classes.

  • Ideally, the camera should be positioned to show your body from the side or the front; if possible, change it each class so we can get a better sense of how your body is in each pose.


  • Please wear clothes that contrast with the color of your mat and, if possible, are not too dark or loose-fitting. This will make it easier for me to observe you during practice. If you have long hair, please tie it up during practice for the same reason. The idea is that your teacher can see your body in the clearest possible way. What the teacher is able to see is extremely important as it informs cueing and teaching.

  • Wear clothes that allow you to move and that will keep you warm.


  • You need to be able to hear your teacher as they guide you through the classes so make sure your speaker is at a good volume.

  • All students will be muted after our check in time at the beginning of class. When prompted as you sign on to Zoom, please grant permission for the host to unmute you so that we can easily communicate during class. You are always welcome to unmute yourself when you have questions or need specific guidance. If you have granted permission for the host to unmute you, then you need only wave at the camera and we will be able to unmute you without you having to leave your mat.


  • Have all your props within reach.